
It was September 2019. My colleagues and I had been immersed in articles and presentations regarding the “financial toxicity” that was affecting a large cohort of our cancer patients.
His new price controls might have killed Amgen’s breakthrough drug for lung cancer
If drugmakers can’t turn a profit owing to his tax and regulatory policies, who’ll develop new treatments?
Don’t they know that poverty kills far more people than heat does?
The Democratic price controls on drugs would be a historic tragedy.
Scientists corrode public trust when they pretend to have authority on social and political matters.
President Biden is worried inflation is undermining public support for his agenda so he’s rounding up the usual villains.
Navigators are uniquely positioned to help patients survive the acute phase of cancer and to reach survivorship successfully. A key to contentment after treatment and into survivorship is successfully integrating cancer as a new dimension of one’s life.
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