Letters from Lillie

Dear Navigators, Social Workers, Administrators, and Clinical Staff, With this letter, I want to share some news with you.
All day, every day, nurses make all the difference in delivering high-quality care to those who need it the most. On behalf of all of us at AONN+, I want to recognize the nurses in our community for their invaluable contributions to healthcare.
The abstract submission portal is open, and our expert peer-reviewers are standing by, awaiting your evidence-based navigation research studies, quality improvement projects, and best practices to consider for inclusion at the AONN+ Annual Conference.
I would like to extend a personal invitation to each of you to join our private AONN+ Facebook group.
Please join us live or virtually this May 17-21 in Orlando, FL, for the AONN+ Midyear Conference—the only conference dedicated to oncology nurse and patient navigators!
Connect with Us on Facebook, Attend a Facebook Live Session, Listen to a Podcast, or Check Out Our Blog
It is with great pleasure and pride that I introduce our newly expanded Editorial Board and our newly established Advisory Board!
At JONS, we value the art of practicing medicine. We also value Art as Medicine to lift the human spirit. To honor these values, we have established an Artist in Residency program to showcase the works of art by artists touched by cancer.
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