
A commentary on the government’s efforts to reduce the price of drugs for patients who have cancer or other chronic illnesses.
A personal narrative about the learning curve of a new navigator who spent the past 10 years in an outpatient infusion clinic.
A frank discussion about managing cancer pain in the current opioid crisis environment.
JONS Editor in Chief, Lillie Shockney, RN, BS, MAS, ONN-CG, offers her insights on the timely topic of commercially available genetic testing.
In an effort to understand a day in the life of a thoracic navigator, we spent some time with Wendy Brooks, RN, ONN-CG. Ms Brooks obtained her certification as generalist oncology nurse navigator through the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+) and was instrumental in the development of the AONN+ specialty certification exam in thoracic oncology.
For patients with cancer, repeal of the ACA would be catastrophic. Health reform expanded health insurance coverage for 20 million Americans, the majority of whom had been uninsured for more than 3 years.
JONS editorial board member Mandi Pratt-Chapman advocates for a return to basic ethics to guide us in attending to LGBTQ-specific needs of our healthcare system.
Advances in cancer care and treatment have led to excellent success in the “fight against cancer.” Millions of lives have been saved through the use of more targeted treatments and medications.
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